Here are some things that I am surrounding myself with these day to make me happy.
First of all, I am loving this artwork by Nikki Mcclure that I discovered at buyolympia.com. She uses an x-acto knife to cut her designs into paper. All of her images are so simple and honest. She has a deep connection to motherhood. These images make me feel strong and capable as I journey into this pregnancy and reminds me to take a deep breath and trust my body. It gently empowers me to feel the strength it takes to truly surrender to this process and try to enjoy to enjoy the loss of control..
I am also reading the best book. It's called Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver. It is so masterfully written that it moves me to work on my own little story that I have brewing in my head. Barbara's writing is seductive and colorful. She makes me want to be a better writer. Here is a juicy little excerpt to make you want more.
"She opened her eyes then, to make this real and possible, that they were kissing and lying down in the cold leaves. falling together like a pair of hawks, not plummeting through thin air but rolling gradually downhill over adder's tongues and poisonous Amanitas. At the bottom of the hill they came to rest, his body above hers."
See what I mean? Beautifully imagery. I can't read it fast enough!
I was going to make this a longer post but I am still figuring out the layout of this Blog business and what you just looked took me about an hour to layout. I'm bored of this now and I'm going to sack out on the couch and watch The Hills on Tivo. My mom has Griffin for the night and relaxation is on the top of my list of things to do. So, I guess that sitting on the couch and drooling on myself should be on the top of this list.
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