So...the ever so lovely JennyMac over at Let's Have a Cocktail took a moment to give 2 awards to little ol' me. Thank you Ms. Mac, you are too kind. I recieved the I think you are an awesome girl award and I am passing this very pretty badge to the amazing ladies at these Blogs. You know who you are!
I also recieved the Super Comments award which I am giving to the ladies that stop by almost everyday and give me a piece of their mind. I love these ladies with all my Blogging heart! As they say in the Golden Girl's theme song-"Thank you for being a friend."
Last but not least Speaking from the Crib passed these two beauties my way. The Splash Award is given to alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive and inspiring blogs. She also gave me One Lovely Blog Award. What can I say? The girl has loyalty! I pass these lovely honors over to these talented women who keep me entertained.
So there ya have it. I'm so glad that Bjork is such a great friend and was willing to lend me her famous Swan dress. I just know that I'm going to end up on the best dressed list in People magazine tomorrow!
I think YOU are an awesome girl! How excited am I that you are passing this beauty onto me? Thank you so much! Blog awards mean that someone is reading and enjoying your blog. It is so appreciated, and I am totally loving your blog as well. You ROCK!
Thank you SO Much!! I love awards..is it okay if I accept them in sweats??
well, what can i say? i so deserve it.
Awww, well I think you are pretty damn awesome and deserve those awards. Just as much as well... me! ;) Glad we are on the same page. Thanks for thinkin of me! I will thank you properly in the coming days *wink*...
ohhh thanks!! but can i borrow the dress? my formal gowns are at the cleaners.... :) love you lady... something fierce...like a wolf with a grill
You'll look beautiful! It looks like you read a lot of the same blogs I do!
Thank you so much, you kooky lady, you!
ps - when you're done with the swan, can I have it? Got a really great jerky recipe I've been wanting to try out.
pps - plus, the head will look fantastic over the mantle.
But I'm wearing the swan dress (this is so embarassing...)
Thanks for the bloggy love. I really appeciate it.
Thanks so much for the awards! They look great on my blog, all nice and shiney. I really appreciate it!
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