It's time for another instalment of Freakshow Friday. Where I ask my readers to come up with a caption or story for a photo taken from Awkward Family Photos. I am operating on a multimedia platform today because this week's photo reminded me of something HILARIOUS!
Here is this week's photo.

Think that you can do bippity boppity better?
If so, you may just when this awesome award
and have bragging rights forever.

I'll also linkup to your Blog and make a big deal
about how flippin' funny you are.
Simply leave your funny caption or story
in my comments section.
The winner will be announced on Monday!
They're adorable!!! I don't have anything all that clever to say but I'm coming back to read other people's funnies.
This little piggy went to the market
This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy was bacon
Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, and John Wayne Gacy pose for their school portrait
I want my Shamrock Shake!
The Hanson Brothers: Chronicle of the early years
I present to you "The Swinging Swines"
When life hands you Candian-Style Bacon...wear it.
Sure, their father was the foreman at the slaughterhouse, but the boys thought the suits were in poor taste for the annual Christmas card photo. Not pictured are their sisters Lettuce and Tomato.
Talk about bringing home the bacon...
I'm not sure but my husband might have been apart of that family. Maybe he's the one on the right, no the left. Well anyways....that had to be the dad's idea. cute but freaky!
Fred and Kathy never realized that keeping kosher would eventually drive their children to bring home the bacon in a big way.
Jeffrey Dahmer's version of a power breakfast.
Kids: It's what's for dinner.
The latest family promotion featured a change in the slogan from bringing home the bacon to selling the bacon off your back.
I've got nothing. But everyone's are funny!
"Whoever said that bacon wasn't the IN fashion was stunningly (and grossly)proven wrong."
HAHAAA!! dude.....i love it...i have no words for it...but i still love it!
"Swine 'Flu" brought us out in rashers!
...And another symptom of "Swine 'Flu" is your skin turning a strange, streaky shade of pink!
This is what happened to the Kilck brothers when they tried oinkment for "Swine 'Flu"
Michael Jackson's dream breakfast.
You have an award on arise 2 write.
I can't think of anything funnier or more witty than what others have written!! It's hysterical!
After leaving the circus ring-master training program, Manny, Mo, and Jack decided to go into the tire business.
What a riot this post was - we watched the video half a dozen times - it's all about the bacon! The captions are even more hilarious.
Thanks for stopping by my blog during SITS FB day -I'm slowly making my way through all the comments!
Those kids are stylin'. Who needs a swine flu shot when you've got bacon camo? Bacon is the new black.
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