Friday, February 26, 2010

My day in the sun! might as well
butter my butt and call me a biscuit.

I am the Featured Blogger over at SITS today!
If you don't know what SITS is then you
should just go ahead and click on that button down there
and say hello to a new day.

Welcome to my humble Blog.
I'm Leigh, a Stay at Home Mom to
a scampy little 5 year old boy
and a scrappy 10 month old baby boy.
I'm also married to a man
who makes me laugh all of the time.

My 7th grade creative writing teacher once said
"Write about what you know."
That's what I tend to do around here.
I find pleasure in the simple moments in life
Moments like...
clumsily adjusting to having two kids or
my son being hilarious or
little rituals that take place in my home

I also love being creative and
devising little projects on my Blog
to keep my brain busy.
I am on Day 26 of a photo project I'm currently doing
where I post one photograph everyday
of something in my life that makes me happy.
Please check out my
28 Days of Happiness.

Okay...there ya have it.
Well, while I have you here and
we've come this far
I might as well let you read
this article
that I wrote that was recently published.

Geez...I think that I've milked this SITS thing for as long as I possibly can.
If you want to see how things normally look around here
then scroll on down and read the next two posts.
Friday is a busy day around here
with my ongoing photo project
and Freakshow Friday.

It's business as usual over at
Leigh vs Laundry.

Thanks for stopping by.

*yes...that is a drawing of me offering you butter to smear on my butt as I stand on a huge biscuit.
Illustrated by my best friend's super talented husband Matt.


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Cranky Mommy said...

Happy SITS Day! Going to check out the rest of the site now!

Vivianne's Vista said...

Happy SITS Day! Love the Butter the Butt picture. Life must be a riot of laughs at your house!

Unknown said...

Happy SITS Day you little biscuit! Love your blog, I am a follower for life! Oh and that uterus pic was funny!

Heather said...

Happy SITS day! Excited to delve into your blog!
-Heather @

Lee said...

Congrats hon!! You sure did keep this a big secret!!

The Only Girl said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

I've been meaning to stop over here because I see you commenting on so many of the blogs I also read. Glad I finally made it.

Crystal Escobar said...

How fun! Congrats on your special day :)

Shell said...

Happy SITS day!

I'm following you now- I have THREE little boys, all 5 and under and having all boys is like its own crazy little club.

Kisha said...

Happy SITS day! Lovin what I'm seeing-consider me a new follower!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day, I'm also doing a photo project, Project 365, where I post a picture everyday of my life for a year! I have a link on the top bar on my blog! Your pictures are lovely though, have a great day missy!

Leiah said...

Happy SITS day! Congratulations on your day AND being published. Now off to peruse your place. Cute cute cute illustration of you and your biscuit. Enjoy your day!

Lisa in Oz said...

Will you hate me if I say that I actually like doing laundry? I really do - out of all the household chores, it's probably my least hated!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Leigh. From a stay-at-home wife (currently childless), congrats for being featured on SITS :)

You've got such great quality of photos and illustrations on your posts! Feast of eye-candy :)

Ela said...

Happy SITS Day!
Your son is hilarious. I for one would LOVE to find a pegasus in my salsa!

Happy weekend.

Laine said...

I love love LOVE the 28 days pictures!!! A picture really does say a thousand words. Hope you loved your SITS day. Congrats!

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day!! That awkward family portrait.....Wow. LOL!

K. M. Berry said...

Just headed over here from SITS as I'm a new, erm, "girl" over there. You have a beautiful family.

As the primary domestic chore doer in the family, I identify with the hatred of dirty clothing. I'm pretty sure laundry is the rabbit of the home. The second I close the closet doors, the socks start hanging out with the long sleeve shirts and the pants and the white t-shirts hook up, and when I open the door the next day I've twice as much to wade through. How does that happen?

A Nerd and A Free Spirit said...

Happy SITS day! Fun site. I love your design too. Super cute. (-:


BusyMom said...

Congrats on your SITS-day!

Wonderful article on co-not-sleeping.
Having 6 kids I found out that every child is different from each other beginning with their very first breath.
The hard part is letting your mom-instinct, not your heart, guide you. It's hard-- well HECK yeah it is! But then anything worth doing right is worth the hard work.
Enjoy your boys!

Mommy Moment said...

Happy SITS day! Hope it ROCKS!

Cheerful Homemaker said...

Congrats on being SITS blog of the day! I despise housework. I have a weekly schedule, but for some reason I have trouble sticking to it.

Jessica said...

Congratulations on your special day, Leigh! :)

Vashti said...

LEIGH!!!!! So excited for you!! I had my SITS day a few months ago and it is SO much fun! ENJOY it!

And the Freakshow for today.......GROSS!

Lots of love.

Unknown said...

i hope you are having a wonderful SITS day! I love your perspective...i have spent the last 30 minutes or so digging through your blog and will be back for more!
popping by from sits and so glad I did.

Philly Art Girl said...

Holy granola, hand me the butter knife; you're hilarious. I can't even put an exclamation point at the end of that because I'm so serious about your hilariousness.

Happy SITS day! Looking forward to being a follower!

Jen R said...

Happy SITS Day! Your blog has a great look and I love your sense of humor.

Enjoy your day!

Erin Bassett said...

Happy SITS Day!! Enjoy every minute of it!!!

Lisa said...

Seriously, the butter and butt picture had me cracking up out loud!

Going to check out your 28 days of happiness now :-)

Happy SITS day! said...

Happy SITS Day Love your blog


Anonymous said...

Woohoo Leigh!
I love it when Bloggers I already read get featured for SITS. Makes me feel like I've got taste. Haha. :)

Kelly Miller said...

28 Days of Happiness is a really cool blog project. Congratulations on your SITS day!

Grace's Mom said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

Anonymous said...

LOVE your blog...the name alone proves that we should be friends. I loathe laundry! It KNOWS I hate it so WHY OH WHY does it keep coming BACK???


Gonna take a look around. Happy SITS day!


RainSplats said...

Happy SITS day - I liked your co-sleeping article--esp the very last sentence. very clever.

Dee said...

Happy SITS day!

Unknown said...

I love it when SITS features a blogger I already follow and comment with.
I love your blog and your Friday Freakshow is so much fun.
Sadly I have yet to win....but someday I will!

Theta Mom said...

Girl - I LOVE when a blog I adore is featured!!! Happy SITS Day - enjoy every minute of it, you know I love ya!


Stephanie Faris said...

Hey!!! Happy SITS day. I already read you but I'm glad to see you featured. Someone may have told you this already but the link is bad. The graphic clicks right over here but the link itself has http:// twice.

carolineAlexander said...

Happy SITS Day! Enjoy your day.

MrsBlogAlot said...

Happy SITS Day girl!!! Looking forward to reading more!!!

Unknown said...

BWAHAHAH at the pic and I am already a devoted follower who drank the koolaid a while ago lol.. congrats on your SITS day

Coryanne Ettiene | Kitchen Living with Coryanne said...

happy sits day, glad I found you, I will be back for more. Happy SITS day

Agnes said...

Happy SITS Day! I read Your article: Co-Sleepless Night, I really Love It! Guess we all have our personalities from the moment we first time see this World, as I am young & don't have any children yet, it was still very interesting and inspiring to read. Thank You! Have a wonderful SITS day!

Stacy said...

Congratulations on your special day! Your blog is adorable!

Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

Happy SITS Day! I haven't stopped by in a while, but I have been enjoying your 28 days of happiness.

confused homemaker said...

Congrats on being FB for SITS today:) I hope it's a wonderful day for you.

Your picture just makes me want to sing "buttermilk biscuits here we go"

Caroline said...

Happy SITS, Leigh! You know I am a regular now, so I was tickled to see this before I have even read my SITS page for the day! Hope you have a great one!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great blog - off to check it out!

Enjoy your SITS day!

Anonymous said... unbuttered one! Too cute! Kudos to Matt for drawing that dandy.

I'm wishing you a fab SITS day and hope that you get a gazillion new comments and followers. You have an awesome blog:)

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day! I am liking your blog, I'm now following! Have a great day!

Vodka Mom said...


YOu will have a marvelous day!! Sit down and enjoy. Now pass the coffee.

sweetjeanette said...

Hey! Congrats on your day!!! Love that cartoon of you!!! I was wondering if you did it. (i wish I could draw) how fortunate for you that your best friend married well! LOL

Jen said...

Happy SITS day!! Hope you have a great day! Enjoy!!

Heidi Walker said...

Happy SITS day!! I think we should start an Anti - Laundry protest group.

We would be noted by wearing the weirdest unfitting clothes because we have nothing else to wear. ;-)

w said...

yay, leigh! congrats on your sits day!

i'm surprised you didn't mention this to me earlier seeing's how we're bff and all...

Miss. Ardeth Blood said...

Came from SITS to say congrats on your day.

And that is a cute drawing.

Mel at Adventures of Mel said...

Happy SITS Day! I love the photo project idea....very cool. Hope your day is happy!:)

Christina Lee said...

love your blog! awww enjoy your day!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is one of those which i call "enviable." Happy SITS day! Cheers!:)

BLOGitse said...

Happy SITS day from Cairo!


Elizabeth Patch said...

Happy Day Ms. Leigh! Wishing you lots & lots of buttery, delicious comment love!

LeighInHeels said...

Happy SITS day! I must follow you...I'm a Leigh, too...not many of us out there!

Sarah AKA The Thriftress said...

Happy SITS Day! I love the title of your blog. What mom doesn't relate?!

Melissa said...

I just heard the butter butt phrase for the first time the other day. A friend was telling me how her niece walked into the classroom on her first day of school, took one look around, and blurted it out. I think they're from Kentucky. Happy SITS day!

LindyLouMac said...

Congratulations, stopping by on your SITS day.

Cara said...

Happy SITS day....I cannot stop looking at that pink picture!

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day lady! I love the blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Happy SITS day! :) I definitely haven't seen the uterus pic, so I have to go and explore more, lol (I'm a little worried...not gonna lie)

Susan Higgins said...

Happy SITS Day! My first time here... I love your style of writing; I'll be back!

Jennifer Juniper said...

Leigh I'm so glad it's your day! I love it when I "know" the FB! Have a wonderful SITS day and soak up all this bloggy love :)

AmyD said...

Very Happy Sits day to you! love the blog, especially Freaky Friday! So cool!!!!

Jessica said...

Love your blog! Sooo cute!

Jessica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christi Crow said...

Happy SITS day! Love your blog!

Ma What's 4 dinner said...

Ha, butter my butt...I like that, though my butt doesn't need any more butter! Happy SITS!

Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

Betsy Henry said...

Happy SITs Day! Love your blog...your header says it all about motherhood!!
Betsy (

Momotics said...

Happy SITS day! said...

Wow, I'm eager to read more. What a creative cartoon! He is a talented guy...keep him around!

Jennifer Vanderbeek said...

Happy SITS Day!

Jessica said...

Happy Sits Day!! Of to look around :)

bj said...

Hi, I'm bj and wanted to say
HAPPIEST SITS DAY, girlfriend.
Enjoy all the bloggy love. and...oh, I love your Butter the Butt!! Love it! Come see me in between loads of laundry!!
hugs, bj

AiringMyLaundry said...

Happy SITS Day to you!

I love your husband's drawing. Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Stopping in from SITS. Can't wait to do some reading and laughing here.

lynnegood said...

Stopping by from SITS - enjoy your day!

GFS said...

Happy SiTS DAY! Enjoy the blog love!

Nicole @ said...

That drawing is hilarious. I've been here before and liked it! Congrats on your SITS day!!! Yay!

Rebekah @ Mom-In-A-Million said...

Happy SITS day! I think I'm gonna like this blog - I've gotten butter on my butt before (don't ask, just know that dry cleaning was involved afterwards) so we may be destined to be BFFs!

Erin Bennett Jenkins said...

It was so fun "hangin' out" with you last night. it's all we get, but not for long...

Julia Ladewski said...

congrats on your SITS day!! your blog title and head are so cute. you seem so witty and funny!! i love it.

Work, Wife, Mom... Life!

Simply Stacie said...

Happy SITS Day!!

Erin said...

Happy SITS day! Can't wait to

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS Day! I'm off to read some more of your hilarious entries!

Ashleigh said...

How funny! Cute blog!

Dawn said...

Laughed out loud when I started reading this post!! Congrats on your SITS day-enjoy!! Off to check out the rest of your blog!

An Imperfect Momma said...

Happy SITS Day! Off to checkthe rest of your blog...

Kearsie said...

Wow. For the first time, I was already a big fan of the SITS lady blogger person. I feel so in style and socially acceptable.

Adriana said...

Happy SITS day! Ill be following!

The Whites said...

Happy SITS day!! Enjoy!!

Jamee said...

Love your blog! You've gained a new follower! Enjoy your SITS day!

Supermom said...


Teresa said...

Good morning and Happy SITS day! Looking forward to reading more of your blog. Have a great day!

Alice in Wonderland said...

Happy SITS Day! Love the cartoon!

Jeannett said...

happy sits day you crazy lady! hope you have a great day!

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day! Love the drawing, with that sense of humor I can't wait to read more............and oddly enough I'm craving biscuits now!

SJ said...

Happy SITS day. Love the Butter Butt pic! Wish I was that talented.

kerryandtorey said...

happy SITS day! and love your site.

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Yay, congrats on your SITS day!

Jenny said...

grats on being featured :D

ProudTejana said...

Happy SITS Day! you have a cute blog! love your family silouhette at the bottom.

Margaret said...


Daisygirl said...

Love your blog!!! Happy SITS day!!! I am a new follower ;)

Hope you have a great weekend!

Richella Parham said...

Butter your butt and call you a biscuit? Oh, that's funny. And having two little kids is a good reason to maintain a sense of humor. Looks like you're doing that!

Blessings to you on your SITS day!

Just A Normal Mom said...

Happy SITS Day!!

Aleta said...

Woot!! Woot! Happy SITS day to you! Now.. to browse around :)

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day. Very witty blog. I really liked the post of pics of 28 days. Very nice.

Teresa Perea said...

Congrats on your SITS day! The Freakshow Friday picture is stinkin hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is great. I don't think I've ever heard the phrase, "butter my butt and call me a biscuit."

thatgirlisfunny said...

Whoohooo! Love that butter my biscuit cartoon. Enjoy your SITS-tah Day!

Marie said...

Happy SITs Day!

Annie @ astonesthrowfrominsanity said...

Happy SITS! I am glad to see that I am not the only one that hates laundry. Seriously. I would hire someone to do my laundry before I would hire a cleaning lady!:)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Right from the start you had me laughing. Congratulations on your SITS day. I am thrilled for you!
Love the photos. Enjoy you day in the sun.....

Kelly Leiter said...

Happy SITS day! And can I say I love your 28 days of Happiness idea?!!

Unknown said...

LOL love the drawing!
happy SITS day :)

Helene said...

Congrats on your SITS day!!! You are hilarious...that is just one of the reasons I love your blog!! Another reason is because I hate laundry are totally relatable!!!

Hope you enjoy your well-deserved day in the spotlight!

Patricia said...

Happy SITS day. Love your blog title. I am so not loving laundry either. ;)

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Happy SITs Day!! Your blog is awesome, kept me laughing which I always need with my coffee in the morning. I am a new follower :)

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day! And Happy Friday. I love that picture, too funny! Off to browse your site, I'm a follower!

Jesslyn said...

Great picture! Happy SITS day!! Having a great time poking around your blog. That family pic and tupperware are too funny!

Hutch said...

Happy SITS day! Your son sounds hilarious! Much reading to catch up on now...

Sarah Beth said...

What a cute blog! Congrats on your special day. :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations on having a SITS day : ) How exciting is that?

Stacy's Snippets said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

I am pretty impressed by your at the door greeting of your dear hubby. The only thing that greets me when I come home is both of my dogs, and that's only because they are hoping I won't realize that my sister already fed them their supper!

Unknown said...

Enjoy your day in the sun! You'll be smiling for days!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

Hey, it's your SITS Day, how cool is that.
I haven't been around for few day, but I am sure glad I came by on your special day.

Megan/Brassy Apple said...

oh so fun to meet you! Love the peek at your personality I have gotten from this post and the links that I clicked on!

Enjoy our day in the spotlight! :)

brokenteepee said...

Happy SITS day.
Having a husband that makes you laugh will get you through anything.

Marie said...

Happy SITS day, I am looking forward to reading more. :)

Andria said...

Happy SITS day! Hilarious! Thank you! Sometimes my daughter says the MOST hilarious things and I have to share them with the world. It's good to know I'm not the only one out there!!

Gosfam said...

I am new to SITS and am enjoying meeting new people. Love the set-up of your blog and your Freakish Fridays :)

Dionna @ Code Name: Mama said...

oh my goodness that illustration/caption is SO funny! Happy SITS day!
~Dionna @ Code Name: Mama

Kristen said...

HAPPY SITS DAY!!! Looks like you have a darling blog - I'm off to read! Enjoy your day!

LindaFaye said...

okay, just looking at the freaky friday game makes me like you. i am not very funny, but my lack of humor may be just the thing to make others giggle. i'll give it a shot! and happy SITS day!!

Unknown said...

Lovely site. Enjoy your day!

Ginger@cottageonrosewood said...

Congrats on your SITS day. I'm going to look around. Love the title of your blog. I have a major aversion to laundry myself.

Yankee Girl said...

I feel so cool that I was following you long before your SITS day, though more than likely I did find you on I guess that doesn't make me any more special than anyone else!

Enjoy your day!

Sarah Larsen said...

Rad blog! Glad I stopped by, and happy SITS day!

CaneWife said...

Happy SITS Day! Love your blog! Love your happy photos! And props to Matt for the original illustration. It brings it all home!

I'm a follower!

Star Forbis said...

Way Cute Blog!:)

Congrats on being the featured Blogger!

Kim said...

GREAT blog. I'm a new fan and happy follower. You have a real natural talent for writing and drawing people in.

metta1313 said...

Happy SITS Day! I think we have similar writing experiences/desires b/c I too did the best writing in school when I was told to write about what I know.

Brooke said...

Happy SITS day!!

Cheryl said...

Happy Sits Day! What a fun blog - sounds like you and your family have a great time together!

Tristina said...

Happy SITS Day! I loved scrolling through your picture project and it makes me want to do something similar. I hopped over to New Parent and read your article on co-sleeping and loved it. I'm about to give birth to my first and it's good to hear/read about moms who trust their babies to tell them what they need.

Embraced Chaos said...

Congrats on your big day! Look forward to checking out your site.

Missy | Literal Mom said...

Oh my gosh! I already follow a SITS featured blogger today! How exciting - congratulations! I hope you have the best day EVER!

Jeannie, Jane, Angel, Mommy, etc.. said...

Happy SITS day! The Butter the Butt picture is great! The freakshow friday pic is a little strange. I guess that's why it make freakshow friday hehe.

Alison said...

Congrats on your SITS day!! From what I see so far, I'm loving the blog! Unfortunately I can't see all the images from here at work, so I'm going to be following so I can check them out later! Have a great day!!!

Nicole said...

Great blog!! So glad I found you. I have two little boys just around the same age so I can relate to the general craziness!!

Loved your 'butter the butt' pic. That had me laughing soooo hard :-)

scrapwordsmom said...

Happy SITS day!! Your Blog makes me smile. I still want to read so much of it!! I will be bookmarking for sure!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day! Off to read more.

Jen E. said...

Congrats on the SITS day!! Love the idea of photographing 28 days of things that make you happy. I have a love of photography and seems like this project would kill two birds with one stone-
1. getting my butt to take pics EVERY day and 2. showing/recognizing appreciation in my life :)

Great blog! Cheers!


Deidre said...

I'm excited to have a little peak around your blog! Love the caption contest idea :)

Rebecca said...

Happy SITS day to you! "butter my butt" LOL!!! Love it!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

I happen to love biscuits!
Congrats on your SITS day!!

KristinFilut said...

Leigh!!! I am so excited for you!!! I haven't even been over to SITS yet. Just doing my regular rounds!!! Congratulations!!!

MommaKiss said...

Your very own butt buttering picture? The Awesome!!!

Congrats on your SITs day - off to read more.

Kim said...

I think I've seen your blog before- following now! Happy SITS day!

And I LOVE that drawing. And Butter. And biscuits.

Diane Schmidt said...

Happy SITS day, what a fun blog you have!

Young Wife said...

Congrats on your SITS Day! Nice to meet you!

Crafty Girls Workshop said...

Hey Leigh,
Congrats on your SITS day in the sun. I'm already a follower but thought I'd say hi anyway. Look at you with 172 comments already, woohoo!


Michelle Faith said...

Love your Non-sexy post...Right there with ya sister.
enjoy your day in the sun...I'll be back, got to love a mom with a butt like that!
Happy Sits day.

Melissa Haak said...

Happy SITS Day!

I love your mine is similar I am the queen of undomestic bliss and love everything about being a SAHM except anything domestic!

Have a great day!

Jodi Widhalm said...

Congrats on your SITS Day! I'm going to enjoy this!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day! I so loathe doing laundry too! I am actually lucky though because my hubby does it. I hate dishes too, but that gets done quicker than laundry so if given a choice dishes it is....or I jsut sit on my butt and do nothing!

That Bald Chick said...

Happy SITS day! Loved the Butter My Buns graphic. Have a gerat day!

Kita said...

Cute vintage images! Congrats on your SITS day!

OC Fun Blog said...

Your outlook is hillarious! Your humor is contagious. Thanks for brightening my day and Happy SITS Day!

Carrie said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

I like what I see so far :) I think I might have to add you to the list of "blogs that must be read"

Heather (One Take On Life) said...

Happy SITS day! I love the title of your blog. Going to snoop around.

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day. Going to look around.

Sandra said...

Happy SITS day! I love this idea of 28 days of happyness. There is always something that can make one happy no?

Tasha said...

Fun stuff! Glad you got to be featured at SITS.

Christy said...

Happy SITS day! I love the name of your blog, and I hate laundry mean the kids can't wear dirty clothes? Happy Friday from a new follower!

Unknown said...

First of all, HAPPY SITS DAY! &Secondly, we have SO much in common girl. :)

Debbie @ OtRD said...

Happy SITS day!

Love the butter your butt pic your husband drew! Off to see more of your great blog!

heyMamas said...

Congrats on your SITS day. Love your blog!

Sadie at heyMamas

♥ Brittany Ciara ♥ said...

Happy SITS day! Congrats. Can't wait to read more of your blogs.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your feature post!

Together We Save said...

Happy SITS Day!!

Kim said...

It's been great getting to know you on your special day. I've really enjoyed reading through your blog. :)


Sammy said...

Love the biscuit butt picture!
Congratulations, what a super cute blog you have! :)

Unknown said...

You are too cute! Found you on SITS. Congrats! I love your "28 days" pics. You inspire me.


Tammy said...

Congrats on your special SITS day! Love your post today. I feel like I am hearing from a good friend. I had to be your newest follower. Enjoy your day!

Not Everyones Mama said...

Happy SITS day! Love the butter my butt. That is an awesome drawing!

Off to read the rest of your posts!

heather @

Holly Lefevre said...

Wooo-whoooo! Look at you go lady! No time for laundry now! Happy SITS Day.

Rachel Lundy said...

Happy SITS Day to you! Enjoy your time in the spotlight.

Serendipity said...

Congratulations on being the FB! :)

pixielation said...

Happy SITS day, I've enjoyed reading!

Kristi said...

Happy SITS Day to you! I am off to check out your blog!

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