Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Happiness Project :: Week 1


Week 1


A warm cup of coffee.

Wanna play along?

If you want to jump on the bandwagon
simply post a photo of something that
makes you wildly happy.
Then, steal my button from that code up there
and include it in your post.

Wendiwinn talked me into
getting Mr. Linky up.
I told her that I didn't want to get Linky involved
because I'd feel so dumb if no one jumped on.
She is relentless.
Are you happy now Wendi?
Come on folks, don't make me regret it.


Caution/Lisa said...

I'm here and I'm linked!

Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

I am no wiz with a camera, but I am enjoying your photos.

w said...

hahahaah! suckah! also. sheesh woman. it's early. i'm gonna link it after i'm fully awake, and so will at least 30 other people. or 3 other. sometimes i get fuzzy readings on my esp.

Christina said...

There is no greater happiness first thing in the morning than that perfect cup of joe!! Makes for a happy day!!

Ducky said...

Be still my heart.....

I can't even tell you how happy it makes me to know that I will still get snippits of your photography genius once a week...

And really, coffee? Hmmmmm....best part of waking up....well, that and hearing my daughter say Hi Momma!

Danielle said...

If I already posted it, how do I put your link on it. I am so blog retarded!!! :)

Lee said...

That was my happiness...but coffee gives me hot flashes ALL DAY LONG! So, now it's herbal tea..and not the good kinda herbs!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I agree. Coffee is pure bliss in the morning.
Came from Caution's blog. She is great....I see why she joined in with you!!

June said...

This sounds like fun!
Can I pick-up tomorrow?

w said...

i'm all linked up. now. to visit the other happy participants...

Christy said...

I love coffee...hmmm...the best part of waking up, lol!


look at you! with a linky! i am IMPRESSED! not a coffee fan. sorry. but the cup is lovely

Anonymous said...

I could go for some coffee right now!

nope said...

I love this idea Leigh - I may just have to join in!

Aleta said...

Greg took a picture similar to that... we were on vacation in Vegas and he put a cup of coffee on the bed and took a picture of it, saying, "Tell me that doesn't look relaxing." hehe

Michelle Faith said...

All Linked up... great idea.


The happiest things are often the smallest things :o)

Great idea for a blog hop!

See Mom Smile said...

I don't have time to be happy right now. Maybe tommorow :) And make mine a hot chocolate and you're in.

See Mom Smile said...

I don't have time to be happy right now. Maybe tommorow :) And make mine a hot chocolate and you're in.

Ms Martyr said...

I don't have time to figure out the linky thing at the moment but have added you to my favorites and will try later. Came over from Caution Flag.

Kim said...

Ooooo! I'm going to look through my photos as soon as I run to work and then a quick errand and back home. Then I am sooo doing this! I love photography and I love being happy so this works great for me. I'm glad you jumped in there with both feet! :)

The Misplaced Midwesterner

Unknown said...

O mine is up I combined your carnival with another for some fun lol.. now you know I can't just do one hehehe

Katherine said...

I am definitely going to try to do this. First, I have to see if I get home in time.

Actuary Mom said...

Very cool idea!! I'm linked up.

Existential Waitress said...

I'm doin' it!

Vodka Logic said...

Coffee certainly makes me happy. What a good idea..

May give it a go.

Unknown said...

Love your mug!
;-) (both of them)

Joy said...

Well now that I know about it, I'll join in. I already do Project Life Tuesdays (and Wordless Wednesday) but I'll do my Happiness Post on Monday and link up with you on Tuesday! I'm gonna have to get creative to come up with so many pictures. Cute mug, too.

Kim said...

I'm finally linked up! I'm going to see the others tomorrow morning as it's time to head to the couch and chill before bed.

Debbie said...

Fabulous idea!! There are sooo many things we can find happiness in if we just take the time to look!

Cathy said...

I'm way late...It's nearly 11pm here, but I got mine up! (Antsy Pants)

Amy said...

COFFEE! Yes, this IS happiness!

Miz Dinah said...

I can't beat coffee. You win.

Anonymous said...

WHat a great idea for a meme!

My coffee makes me blissfully happy too and I am drinking it now...ok I will be drinking it all day!

I am a new follower - I saw you on CCWA and had to stop by!

w said...

you're very welcome. sometimes even my own awesomeness scares me.

nope said...

Better late than never - just linked up.

My Mercurial Nature said...

Love coffee, the love the pic (great color combos), and really loving the idea of "The Happiness Project"!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

That certainly always makes me happy. I'm currently enjoying a cup or THREE. ah ha ha