Monday, March 15, 2010

Winner: Medevial Times Edition

We have a winner for this week's installment of Freakshow Friday. Please take note that my super hilarious and non biased best friend was the judge. Here are the top three in no particular order.

Double Wide Mom

"seriously! Its the only thing I can wear
that won't aggravate the rash."

Mama Zen
"So, this is what you get for $19.95 an hour . . ."

"Donna's mom never taught her
how to dress befittingly.
Everyone knows you should
never wear sandals with your chainmail."

and the winner is...

Double Wide Mom

"seriously! Its the only thing I can wear
that won't aggravate the rash."

Double Wide Mom is the funniest Blogger in all the land.
Please head on over to her Blog
and marvel at this fantastic award she just earned
to proudly display forever.

Thanks to all the people who played.
Tune in this Friday for another instalment of Freakshow Friday!


Ducky said...

I'm snorting and jealous I didn't think of it! Brilliant!

w said...

foiled again.

but i must admit. double wide mom's caption was awesome.

Vanessa said...

Congrats to Double Wide Mom! There were some funny suggestions for this one! I look forward to this every week!

Unknown said...

I was a total blank, great photo though!

Ziva said...

Congrats Doube Wide Mom, that was a great caption for sure!