The assignment this week over at You Capture was Play.
A favorite cure for boredom over here
is for Griffin to transform the bathroom into a chemistry lab.
We have food coloring, powder, bubble baths, cups and spoons in all sizes.
I simply fill up the sink and let him do "science experiments".
It keeps him busy for at least half an hour at a time.
As I walked past the restroom to put away some laundry
I heard him playing in a sink full of red water.
He laughed manically and cackled...
A favorite cure for boredom over here
is for Griffin to transform the bathroom into a chemistry lab.
We have food coloring, powder, bubble baths, cups and spoons in all sizes.
I simply fill up the sink and let him do "science experiments".
It keeps him busy for at least half an hour at a time.
As I walked past the restroom to put away some laundry
I heard him playing in a sink full of red water.
He laughed manically and cackled...

"I'm a dark scientist."
I know exactly the laugh you mean, Dexter does the same one, except Dexter does his experiments in cafes/restaurants before we are about to leave by filling up glasses with leftovers - e.g. putting coffee, salt, tomato sauce etc into a glass/cup and trying (unsuccessfully I might add) to see if people will notice!!!
that's so cute! how creative is he!
That is hilarious! I just love it:)
Boys are awesome! I have a feeling he's going to be creative like his Mommy!
You know, I was a total tomboy as a child and I once dissected a frog in our backyard. I think I'd barf if I did that today, but as a 8 year old I thought it was totally rad! :)
Love this picture. It always looks like you guys have so much fun.
ahahhahahahaha so cute! I love his lab outfit!
A dark scientist. Love it,
haha, that made my day! This is my favorite play picture so far :]
That is great! I'll have to remember this tip. (although not till my youngest boy gets a little bigger. A 3yo and food coloring... um, no!)
My grandma used to let us play "potions" on the stove (heavily supervised) and it is definitely a great memory!
That's exactly what I was thinking!!
Okay, just kidding...
Too cute - don't you just love how little kids play? :D
Oooh, I gotta try this. :)
Now you need to read George's Marvelous Medicine with him!
Nothing says dark scientist like Transformers undies! :-) Cute.
that is awesome! and so cute!!!!
All science experiments should be done in Underoos!! Super fun!
"out of the mouths of babes..." So cute! A dark scientist in his undies!
That is hysterical! Love it :D
We used to do fun things like that. *sigh*
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