It's time for another installment of Freakshow Friday. Where I ask my readers to come up with a caption or story for a photo taken from Awkward Family Photos. My best friend will be the judge and she's one hilarious freakaziod. So, bring it! Here is the week's photo, this family had it goin' on in 1974.
Dad loved Rico just for his badass shirt...and the 'stache.You got a better one for me?
If so, you may just when this awesome award
and have bragging rights forever. I ever have an award for you!
You will win this brand spankin' new award!!
If you win then I'll linkup to your
Blog and make a big deal
about how funny you are.
Simply leave your funny caption or story
in my comments section.
The winner will be announced on Monday.
Fine, dear, the foreign kid can be in the picture.
Let's see...I think I was about four in this picture-- right before mommy moved us into the compound.
Polyester...the fabric of our lives!
Can you tell that the oldest child is from Mom's one drunken night in Tiajuana?
Can you tell that the oldest child is from Mom's one drunken night in Tiajuana?
They weren't really related at all. They were however pulling off a very elaborate scheme and you'd never guess who the mastermind behind it all was...
The Gruesomes, in full technicolor.
Mommy/Daddy has some splainin' to do.
Rick Ricardo's love child.
Mommy's foreign exchange lover.
Our menfolk become werewolves at puberty...
One of these kids is doing his own thing...
"This picture is out like bell-bottoms" =)
Despite loving a good bargain, John still wasn't sure about Rico the photographer posing in his family portrait in order to receive free pictures. Rico thought the more he got his face out there, the better his chances would be of being discovered.
The 'hire-a-family' picture gone wrong.
FBI agent, Juan Carlos Riviera, went undercover to explore allegations against an infamous polygamist sect in northern Idaho. Unfortunately, he stood out like a sore thumb.
...right before we drank the Kool-Aid...served by the nice hispanic boy.
No one told Rico the theme was blue.
What ever happened to Danny Bonnaduce? The horrid ,lil' redheaded snot on the Partridge Family-ah,there he is!
What ever happened to Danny Bonnaduce? The horrid ,lil' redheaded snot on the Partridge Family-ah,there he is!
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