Monday, December 12, 2011

Winner :" A Face in the Crowd" Edition

We have a winner for this week's installment of Freakshow Friday. Please take note that my super hilarious and non biased best friend was the judge. Here are the top three in no particular order.
He's not just the president of Hair Club for Men,
he's the best result they ever had.

My Mercurial Nature
What happens when Grandpa discovers the 60's

Linda D.
Most Wanted Poster -
Be on the look out for Hair Swap Sammy.
After a heist, he dons a wig
(long or short) to change his appearance.
Wanted mostly for theft from wig shops.

And the winner is...
My Mercurial Nature

What happens when Grandpa discovers the 60's

My Mercurial Nature
is the funniest blogger in all the land.
Now head on over to his blog
and marvel at this fantastic award he just earned
to proudly display forever.


Thanks to all the people who played.
Tune in this Friday for another installment of Freakshow Friday!

1 comment:

My Mercurial Nature said...

I feel like I should curtsy or something! Thank you, thank you!