You got a better one for me?
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super duper brand new awesome award
and have bragging rights forever. I ever have an award for you!
You will win this brand spankin' new award!!

If you win then I'll link up to your
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Simply leave your funny caption or story
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The winner will be announced on Monday.
dear god
please kill me! ...or them
dear god
please kill me! ...or them
Paternity results are in... Bobby Ray, you are NOT the Father!
Johnny took a deep breath to clear his head. Over and over in his mind he repeated "it is just my imagination, it is just my imagination, when I turn around they will all have clothes on and my family will be normal".. But alas it was not to be.
vanity Fare (VF) got more than they bargained for when Demi Moore and family tried to recreate her nude and pregnant VF cover!
When the Smith family was offered money to pose topless, Little Johnny was the only one who stuck to his principles and his shirt.
The Hatfield family all gladly participated the sonogram process.
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