Friday, February 15, 2013

Freakshow Friday : Insanity Edition

It's time for another installment of Freakshow Friday. Where I ask my readers to come up with a caption or story for a funny photo found at Awkward Family Photos . My best friend will be the judge and she's one hilarious freakaziod. So, bring it! Here is this week's photo, it's very confusing.

What the inside of a crazy person's head looks like.

You got a better one for me?

If so, you may just when this
super duper brand new awesome award
and have bragging rights forever. I ever have an award for you!
You will win this brand spankin' new award!!


If you win then I'll link up to your
Blog and make a big deal
about how funny you are.
Simply leave your funny caption or story
in my comments section.

The winner will be announced on Monday.


Travis said...

Lisa's photography business had hit a dead end until she realized her love of acid and blackmail could revamp her entire infrastructure.

Linda D. said...

Try outs for the "Talking Heads" brought out the best and worst during the auditions.

Linda D. said...

"No," Wendy thought desperately. "I volunteered to be the puppeteer for the school fund raiser, not the puppet!"

Linda D. said...

50 SHADES OF GRAY gone wrong... terribly wrong!