Monday, March 4, 2013

The Smallest Gifts

One thing that I love about Griffin
is that he jumps at any opportunity to pick me a flower.

I make it a point to swoon
over the small blooms as he hands them over.
It's a with sincerity that I melt
but I do my best to let him know
how much it means to me.

I always encourage chivalry in my boys
and hope that they will be
a shining light in a dim world when 
they grow into men.

His grubby little fingers
are so gentle with the buds
as he presents the flower to me
 and I can see that he will
always have an appreciation 
for the little things in life.

I have a collection of pressed flowers
that he has handed to me over the years,
the pages of an old book
have the sweet smell of love
tucked between the pages.

The smallest gifts seem to mean the most.


Linda D. said...

I love chivalrous flowers and the little boys who give them to moms with such love! So sweet.

4 Lettre Words said...

Love it. I always tell people that I'm not raising boys. I'm raising great husbands for the future.

Susan Anderson said...

So darling.
