For example, Griffin was pretending to be a knight before school and was running all over the house swinging his plastic sword to and fro and screaming "CHARGE!" at the top of his lungs while he ran and attacked the couch. I am sitting on said couch nursing a very snotty Koen between his sweet whimpers when Griffin charges us with the sword. He came barreling at us and was swinging it dangerously close to me and the baby. "Stop swinging that near us!" I said in a very serious mommy voice. He then continued to swing it about 1/4 inch away from Koen's head and laughing a very maniacal laugh.
Something snapped deep within me. I grabbed the sword and threw it across the room and in a very stern voice shamed Griffin for disobeying me. He started to cry and I had little sympathy for him.
Later, as I walked him to the playground before school, I started to feel guilty for my little outburst and tried to hold Griffin's hand to make up with him. He then shamed me in front of three moms. He said...
"No ma'am, I am so frustrated at you! I'm done! I've had it!" and stomped off. Hmmm...where did he learn to say stuff like that? I wonder.
Hilarious. He sounds adorable! Sometimes I think we have to just lose it. It's human nature.
Yeah, I have Mommy Dearest Moments frequently. And my kids are always throwing things back in my face... They are like little mirrors.Or little Method actors. You can see all the crazy things that you say acted out right before your very eyes. Its Very entertaining. Really.
I am laughing out loud!! My son told me the other day that I better be nice to his playdate. When I said, aren't I always nice to your friends, he said, yes, but not to me! I think he's lucky I let him live!
You know the saying...our kids are our best imitators!! Scary, huh? LOL
You know the saying...our kids are our best imitators!! Scary, huh? LOL
It's so funny where your kids pick up these things from! Is it by watching you, are watching other people?
These things just come out of nowhere at times!
OMG - we should really be putting our blog money away for the years of therapy our kids are gonna need, seriously
My daughter (21 months) just recently started saying "not nice" and shaking her finger at me. My husband pointed out that I do that to her...oops.
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