that will ever love her back."
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and have bragging rights forever.

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The winner will be announced on Monday.
about how funny you are.
Simply leave your funny caption or story
in my comments section.
The winner will be announced on Monday.
"is that a carrot in your -- wait. you don't have any pockets."
ack! *runs away*
The day I was glad I wasn't a horse.
Natalie takes practicing the 'reverse cowgirl' a little too seriously.
After learning doggy style, Karen set out to prove that horsey style was better.
Karen always like to be on top, no matter what.
To the distain of her family, Karen picked up a couple of tricks after working in Tijuana.
I'm a cowgirl
On a real horse I ride
Wanted (wanted)
Horse-hung men til I die
Oh, and I ride!
Save a Horse, ride a Cowboy. . . Please!
After pinning her opponent in the unlimited division, Jenny proudly smiles for the camera.
Karen missed the "back" in horseback riding.
The Discovery Channel had never had higher ratings than when Karen was on.
Save a cowboy, ride a horse.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
The prohpecies were true.... The spirit of Mr. Hands lives!!! Eww
Cindy's doing horse shows in South Dakota to pay the bills, but she knows that with a strong work ethic and proper stretching, she will one day star in her own border-town donkey show!
During an epic battle between Harry Potter and the Death Eaters, Bellatrix LeStrange wrestles with Ginny Weasley's Patronus
if I just play dead, maybe she will go away
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
"Just another roll in the hay!"
seriously--this one left me speechless! :))
"We get it, Lisa, you're undefeated in the heavyweight division.
No need to beat a dead horse."
um, yeah...I saw the video for this one. There was, like, ten gallons of....hat.
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