Tom and Karen Mortensen
"Mrs. Possum was so proud of her boys.
This is a picture she cherished always."
Jeremy from We Took The Bait
"Mortified to be in this picture,
young Jimmy Ray wishes that he, too,
had the ability to play dead."
"There used to be THREE brothers.
But he didn't smile in the last photo, so a replacement was found."
"Mrs. Possum was so proud of her boys.
This is a picture she cherished always."
Jeremy from We Took The Bait
"Mortified to be in this picture,
young Jimmy Ray wishes that he, too,
had the ability to play dead."
"There used to be THREE brothers.
But he didn't smile in the last photo, so a replacement was found."
The winner is...
Jeremy from We Took The Bait
Jeremy from We Took The Bait

young Jimmy Ray wishes that he, too,
had the ability to play dead."
Jeremy from We Took The Bait
is the funniest Blogger in all the land.
I can never seem to think of a good caption on demand, but I love your FF pics!!! lmao
Well, at least I am in the top 3 again. I am feeling like always a bridesmaid, never a bride though.
Oh my gosh! I had missed this picture? Is that really a possum with them?
Thank you, Leigh and super hilarious non-biased best friend!
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