Who could sleep when a potentially deadly storm was heading my way? After seeing the images of the devastation in Tuscaloosa, I felt like I should take the impending weather very seriously. My brand new weather radio sat perched beside my computer and I was poised to act fast if an alert sounded over it's tiny speaker. It was 1 am and I had tried to lay down and sleep a few times but my heart was too jumpy.
A live streaming report of the storm played before me on my computer screen as I watched a huge red blob head my way. I was scared, call me crazy, but I wanted to be up when the storm hit so that I wouldn't be taken off guard. Reports of tornadoes touching down all around the outskirts of Atlanta seemed too close for comfort even though they were miles and miles and miles away from my quiet home.
I could hear thunder in the distance and a light rain pitter patted on my roof. The storm was knocking at our front door. Suddenly, my weather radio went off and the computer generated voice announced that a tornado had touched ground in a county about 30 minutes away. The broadcaster on the live stream announced that if you lived in the southeast area of our county to take cover. Being that I live in that area, you only have to tell me something like that once.
Roger and I grabbed the children and we all huddled in the tub. Griffin was nervous and asking tons of questions. I tried to act calm but inside my heart was racing. Would we be okay? Would our home be okay? I know that it sounds dramatic but when a storm that has killed people in it's path is just 30 minutes away, life suddenly feels very real and very fragile.
The four of us huddled in the bathroom and listened to our weather radio. I had my Ipad in my lap and tuned to Weather.com. Uncertainty sat with us as we waited it out. I said a prayer and asked God to station angels around our home. My mother had taught me that I could assign angels of protection as a child when I was scared. I've stationed angles outside my window my entire life and last night, when I prayed that prayer, I imagined a beautiful winged being shielding us above the tub.
Then something amazing happened. The big red blob that was floating our way on the map started shifting to the south of us. The entire storm slipped past us and it looked as if our little town had a protective bubble around it as the atmosphere swirled above and below us. It missed us! We barley even had lightning or thunder. We were safe. Now, I don't want to take credit for moving an entire storm away from my family but I think it's safe to say that my prayer was answered. Thank God I am a praying woman.
As we all breathed a sigh of relief, I thought of all the families in the south that weren't so lucky. My heart breaks for them and I am so grateful that I was being over dramatic when I imagined my house being carried off by a twister. I am holding my children tighter, I am appreciating the feeling of home, and I am praying for the families who lost theirs. The tornado had other plans last night and I am so happy that he didn't stop by to sit a spell. He seemed to be an unruly houseguest.
Please pray for the families of the 194 victims of this storm.
Glad you guys are ok.
I don't miss those storms. The first few years I lived in MO, I was a wreck...especially the last week of April and the first week of May. There was always a tornado during that time. I'm glad you guys are safe. I'm so sorry for those who's lives have been destroyed.
Leigh, tornadoes are no joke.
I am SO glad that y'all are okay. And, I have no doubt that your prayers had a hand in that. I know how you hate storms (from reading your past posts about it) so this must have been horrifying for you.
Sending love your way.
Your post is amazing. I hope that more storms stay away from that area. My brother lives in Kentucky and I want nothing like that near him. My prayers go out to the victims of that storm.
I am so glad you and your family are safe and sound. I too ask for help from guardian angels every now and then too :-)
W have dominion over the earth and all of it's forces dominion over angels as well. I have no doubt that your powerful prayer had a hand in turning that storm. Check out a minister called Jesse Duplantis. He talked about when Katrina his NOLA how he and his wife prayed the blood over their homes and offices. Not one member of his staff was lost. They were the first church reopened following the devastation. Prayer is a powerful thing my dear, so glad yours were heard and answered.
So glad that you escaped the freight train of devasation. Those tornadoes were gigantic and powerful.
Oh my word!!! so so so scary... when you said you might be a little "dramatic" I was thinking, oh no Honey... I would have been one big crazy mess!! Thank goodness for prayers... I pray with my babies everynight. I imagine angels around us when we sleep... I am so glad you guys are safe!! We will pray for the victims that weren't so lucky :(
God Bless
Glad all is well with you and am praying for those who were not as fortunate.
I'm in St. Louis and on Good Friday we had an F4 Tornado touch cause a path of destruction through 6 towns. I can stand in my driveaway, look 200 yards to the right and see what looks like houses that have been blown up :( We were lucky enough to not have any damage but our friends and family weren't so lucky. :(
I couldn't even watch tv last night because the thought of this happening less than a week later in other cities just made me ill. I'm so glad that you and yours are ok.
thinking of you - hope this passes and that y'all are safe.
(i wrote y'all in solidarity. just saying.)
SCARY stuff. We never worried about tornados growing up in Hawaii and ever since I moved away, the #1 thing that has freaked my out it...tornados. When we lived in Austin I watched one touch down miles in front of me on a drive home. EEK! Glad you are OK!
So glad you guys are safe. That was one scary storm system.
So glad you all are ok. We went over to a friends house who has a basement. We had one that formed and got about 4 or 5 feet from touching down on the ground and then it just went back up into the cloud. I take those warnings pretty serious to.
So glad you are safe. Praying for all the folks who were affected. Thank goodness for prayers.
So very scary. I'm glad that y'all are okay. Praise the Lord.
So glad you and your family are ok. I'm praying for those who lost their lives.
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