I am a writer.
It felt good to write that.
It felt good to write that.
You see, I have been selling myself short for some time now. The words have been part of who I am and I have felt comfortable with their place within me but I've been making excuses to keep the words to myself. Lacking experience, short on confidence, and a bit lazy-my yearning to be a paid writer has been squashed.
Until now...
A few months ago I discovered that a few fellow local writers that I know were a part of an on-line publication called Athens Patch. When I saw the work that they were doing about local news, I felt jealous. Why wasn't I involved? I'm a local writer, right? I suddenly felt very left out until it hit me...no one knew that I was writer. Sure, I'm a blogger, which is a form of writing, but much more fluid and personal. I wanted to write features and editorials. If that was going to happen, I was going to have to put myself and my talents out there for the world to see.
Suddenly, I felt brave and capable as my desire to be a writer forced my fears to subside. Somehow, good booga booga must have been released into the universe at that moment. Circumstances led Athens Patch to me just a few weeks later. The editor contacted me to see if I wanted a platform for my blog. Her phone number was on the bottom of the e-mail so I put a phone call in. After a very long conversation full of laughter and mom confessions, I hung up the phone with a story assignment and was suddenly a freelance writer.
Suddenly, I felt brave and capable as my desire to be a writer forced my fears to subside. Somehow, good booga booga must have been released into the universe at that moment. Circumstances led Athens Patch to me just a few weeks later. The editor contacted me to see if I wanted a platform for my blog. Her phone number was on the bottom of the e-mail so I put a phone call in. After a very long conversation full of laughter and mom confessions, I hung up the phone with a story assignment and was suddenly a freelance writer.
Just like that.
My first story was a success and so another story was sent my way. Before long, I was offered the weekly column "Moms Talk" (thank you to my most loyal readers who hop over and comment!) where I open discussion topics about parenting issues. The money I make is next to nothing but I can splurge now and get a pedicure if I need it. It feels good to pay for things with my own money. Being a Stay at Home Mom for the last six years has not afforded me that pleasure in a long time.
Now, even more editorial stories are coming my way. It feels so satisfying to call a contact for a story and say "I am a reporter for Athens Patch and I would like to ask you a few questions for an article that I am writing." I find deep satisfaction in the process of writing an article. From conducting the research, to first drafts, to snapping photographs to accompany the story, I feel excited. It may seem a bit silly but I feel inherently that
Now, even more editorial stories are coming my way. It feels so satisfying to call a contact for a story and say "I am a reporter for Athens Patch and I would like to ask you a few questions for an article that I am writing." I find deep satisfaction in the process of writing an article. From conducting the research, to first drafts, to snapping photographs to accompany the story, I feel excited. It may seem a bit silly but I feel inherently that
I am becoming who I am meant to be...
a writer.
a writer.
It's amazing how life just works out sometimes. I sense that I am at the beginning of my writing career and even though some may consider my new writing gig to be small potatoes, to me it is a super fancy gourmet baked potato topped with all of the most delicious toppings. It's time for me to dig in!
Well done you flower, it is great to see you growing :-)
You are a writer and you do it well! Congratulations!
I am proud of you.
How awesome!! Great stuff. :)
((journalist high five!!!))
This makes me SO very happy for you! Way to put yourself out there and do what you WANT to do. Awesome. :)
You ARE a writer. That's plain to see.
And it's so funny that you should choose this topic today. Go read my post...
I am so proud of you for stepping into your gift. Here's wishing you tons of more articles and tons of more you money.
Everyone who has the passion and the talent will eventually find the perfect creative outlet! Your post will inspire others to also find ways to find creative outlets for their own talents. Way to go!
Leigh, I have a lump in my throat reading this!!!! I am so proud of you.
Yes you ARE a writer. And I love your new weekly column. I am on my way over right now to check it out!
GOOD FOR YOU! So happy your first step up in admitting you ARE A WRITER resulted in great results. Congrats. Just keep loving what you're doing, even though it is now "work." May you always find ways to keep writing a joy and a passion.
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