Do you feel sentimental about your children growing up? Do you snuggle with outgrown baby clothes like I do? How do you cope with your kids getting older? Please tell me that I'm not alone.
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I have limited myself to one bin of baby clothes for each kiddo...nope, you don't need to know what size bin. We also have what we call treasure t-shirt that just get thrown to the top of the closet when outgrown--less like admitting it! So I guess I cope some days by sort of not coping at all.
My name is Leigh and this blog follows my misadventures as a stay at home mom. Read as I juggle housework, motherhood, creativity, and delusions of grandeur. I am inept throwback to the 1950′s housewife, so this blog gives a modern twist to a retro lifestyle. With a focus on the drama and joys of everyday life, sometimes heartfelt but usually hilarious observations unfold. All the while my ignored laundry pile grows by leaps and bounds.
Uhm--YES! :)) I do too! And I will definitely check out your article (aka my weekly food for the Mama's soul!) once I get Oliver to nap!
Headed over!
I have limited myself to one bin of baby clothes for each kiddo...nope, you don't need to know what size bin. We also have what we call treasure t-shirt that just get thrown to the top of the closet when outgrown--less like admitting it! So I guess I cope some days by sort of not coping at all.
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