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I got nothing... in fact I am speechless. I would have loved to see her get out of the car in that. I think what I find even more disturbing than her outfit is that the guy is in traditional clothing. I can't help but wonder where the disconnect (or fetish) started.
Jeff thought Tina was just kidding when she said she was going to make the schools metal detector go nuts.. OH how he wished he had listened..
I...about spit my coffee out...there's nothing I have that can compete with that picture..I bow to the master...
"Dang, Eddie, you told me this was a costume party."
"After much debate, Harold and Deb decided to go with a more formal look."
Seriously. Where do you find this stuff! Cracks me UP!!
Debbie didnt understand that ball and chain was a figure of speech and not a nickname for him and her.
PS: I seriously made a bitter beer face when I saw this photo Leigh.
Deb had always wanted to be just like Zena, Warrior Princess.
The strategically placed triangles of Shekinah's dress caused confusion in the mind of the high school math teacher.
"She won best dressed at the Dungeons and Dragons contest"
Tommy's might have taken the "Re-use..Reduce...Recycle" theme a little too far when he designed his date's dress for the Swingers Cruise.
I got nothing except that photo is FREAKIN HILARIOUS!
Pissed that her date hadn't dressed up for the costume ball, Sandy decided to have fun of her own. She dressed in her Sunday best and figured on attracting a new man or two.
This is freakin' hilarious.
I'm thinking this:
The guy in the back looking so proud of himself is thinking "Nobody knows I'm naked from the waist down."
The girl is thinking, "I wonder how to get the cooties out of the back of this chain mail."
Eve didn't care what anyone thought of her attire...not even Adam dressed in his Sunday best!
She day... MADONNA would look to her for inspiration!
Ralph felt so awkward without his armor - darn those TSA guys!
"Dad almost didn't let me wear this out of the house until I told him it came with a chastity belt."
So, this is what you get for $19.95 an hour . . .
Is that a codpiece or are you just glad to see me?
This is Sparta.
Sarah wore this dress as payback for Steve's threat to wear a tshirt and shorts to the prom. He never joked about dressing innapropriatly again.
Little Joey was tickeld pink to finally have his stripper mom take an interest in his school events.
I meant to say tickled not tickeld. It's 5:30 on a Friday in the life of a mom, what do ya want ya know?
I just can't get beyond that fact that he's in a suit. Isn't that being unequally yoked somehow?
Damnit Leigh! I always think of some quote that is super stinkin close to the one you put under the pic....and I'm always so bummed when I scroll down and see I've been scooped....
Yous one funny cookie
This dress gives a whole new meaning to working on the chain gang.
I glad that a least all the triangles were in the right places.
I think she needs a mirror. I don't think she checked herself before she left.
Hope she was warm enough.
The poor dear. In these tough econamic times she was only able to afford half a dress for the prom.
Sorry about this but I just thought of this. She misunderstood the invitation and thought it was a clothing optional party. Due to this misunderstanding so guest threw their snow chains on her.
Heard later that evening, in the ladies room, between sobs:
"So, when you said Nice Dress, you were being sarcastic?"
angie was afraid the corsage would ruin a "traditional" dress. joe was just plain afraid.
Donna's mom never taught her how to dress befittingly. Everyone knows you should never wear sandals with your chainmail.
Jacqueline sporting the latest from the Sir Lancelot line of evening wear
Pam and Jim decided to celebrate after they remembered where they put that damn chastity belt key.
oh my gosh that is hideous!
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