Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Happiness Project :: Halloween hay bales

Something exciting pops up in our little town 
every year during the month of October.
Down a long stretch of country road,
hay bales are lined up and decorated for Halloween
by the agriculture students at UGA.

The boys flip out over them every single year.
We pass by them on our drive to school
and they celebrate each one as we pass by.

The morning fog seems to add 
to the ambiance of it all.

I just love this tradition 
and how happy it makes my children.


Want to join me in my quest
to scout out happiness in our lives?
Simply post a photo of something that
makes you wildly happy and tell us all about it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Happiness Project :: Decking the halls with poison ivy

The other day I was talking to
my best friend on the phone,
feeling angsty about something or other
and she basically told me 
that I needed to focus on my holiday mantel.

That's what best friends are for, right?
A little redirection and refocusing can be good for a girl.
So I did just that and it totally distracted me
from worrying about things that are out of my control!

I'm currently OBSESSED with
the new Dollar General store up the road a ways.
They have THE BEST seasonal items 
for super duper cheap.

Two of the ladies that work behind the register
know me by name now, y'all
because I stop by so much 
to buy that one little item I had walked away from.

I mean, most of it costs $1.50!

The whole thing makes me happy.

So, there you have it...
my Halloween mantel in all of it's spooky glory.


Want to join me in my quest
to scout out happiness in our lives?
Simply post a photo of something that
makes you wildly happy and tell us all about it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Happiness Project :: My manuscript

I did it! I completed the rewrite of my book.
My word count went from 108,769 words down to 85,658! 
It's been a lot of work and I know
there will be drafting once an editor gets a hold of it
but this feels like a huge milestone to me.

Next step...
get ready to query agents.
 It feels so close I can almost taste it.
Sorry that I didn't post a Happiness photo last week.
My brain needed a break from doing anything creative.    
Sometimes the best happiness comes from taking a step back
and breathing in a calm breath.

But I'm back.
I missed this space
and seeing what made you happy.


Want to join me in my quest
to scout out happiness in our lives?
Simply post a photo of something that
makes you wildly happy and tell us all about it.