First up, I am honored to receive the Baddass Blogger Award
created by The Crazy Baby Mama.
I adore this lady, she is sharp and smart!

So, I proudly present "The Badass Blogger Award,"
to the following writers, for their outstanding ability to be poignant and funny.
It Ain't Easy Being Cheesy
Team Boo
Let's Have a Cocktail
Stir-fry Awesomeness
Lee the Hotflash Queen
Speaking From the Crib
Steph in the City
Next award is the Best Blog Award
given to me by Every day in Gray
and Marlie and Me
(who also gave me the One Lovely Blog Award)
The rules say to pick 15 bloggers
but I just don't have that kind of time
being so famous and all.
So...I'll pick 8 to give these two awards to
cause I'm a rebel and a rule breaker!

Pink Flip Flops and Wine
Project Mommywood
A Day in the Life; Chronicles of an Only Parent
The Crazy Baby Mama
Peeling an Orange with a Screwdriver
Martinis or Diaper Genies?
Batcrap Crazy
Okay, cue the music for the next award...
Honest Scrap
was given to me by
That One Mom and All God's Creatures

I've gotten this one before but I'm not one to turn down a gift.
So, I pass this lovely award to
Everyday in gray...
Marlie and Me
A Nut in a Nutshell
Hillbilly Duhn's Times and Tribulations
According to the rules, I should tell y'all 10 things about me.
I've done this before and I'm trying to
get this lovely post typed before
my baby wakes up from a nap.
So, here are my ten facts re posted!
10 things that you don't know about me
1 .One of my favorite indulgences is eating fast food in my car.
2. In high school I won the "Wittiest of my class" superlative.
3. I was the only person who campaigned to be voted Wittiest of my class. It's amazing what
teenagers will do in exchange for a cookie.
4. When I meet famous people, I turn into a total spaz and scare them to death.
5. I hate spiders. I saw one the other day and screamed like a baby.
6. I am working on a novel that I have been writing over the last 12 years.
7. When I am on Oprah for the novel that took me decades to write, I will wear a red cocktail
dress, fishnet pantyhose, and widely inappropriate shoes.
8. If you are what you eat then I am a French fry.
9. My biggest pet peeve is when I am taking shower and suddenly the water gets hot so
I turn on the cold water a little bit and then the water gets too cold so I turn up the hot
hot water a little bit and it gets too hot and the cycle continues throughout the entire shower.
10. My baby is enamored with Diet Dr. Pepper cans. If I lift one to my lips in his presence
he erupts into wiggles and giggles.
To the ladies that won this award,
the rules also say to send it to 7 Bloggers.
Like I said before,
I'm a rebel and a Mommy on a schedule
so I'm doin' it my way!
Last up...
Steph in the City gave me the Heartfelt Award
I give it to these wonderful ladies

All God's Creatures
The Mother Load
504 Main
Adventures of the Reluctant Housewife.
Okay...my baby just woke up.
I pulled off the award ceremony.
Just like Holly Golightly would
I am going to change my baby's diaper
in this fabulous black dress and diamonds!