My hilarious and handsome husband
will be the judge this week because
my best friend Erin will be partying her face off with a bunch of
smelly hippies at a Phish show this weekend.
Needless to say, she will not be available for judging.
will be the judge this week because
my best friend Erin will be partying her face off with a bunch of
smelly hippies at a Phish show this weekend.
Needless to say, she will not be available for judging.
The winner will receive this very prestigious award that I created to proudly display on their Blog forever. I'll also make a huge deal out of how awesome and funny you are and link back to your Bliggidy Blog.

Simply post your caption or story in my comments!
The winner will be announced on Monday.
Papa Bear said "My Balls itch, can you take the dang picture!"
Mama Bear said "My bra is too tight, hurry it up already."
Baby Bear said "Yo, I gotta get back to the hood to throw some eggs and do the nasty with my gal. Word up."
Photographic evidence of why Baby Bear went bad.
..and thus begins the life of a serial killer.
Remembering to pack her 'Sears Portrait Studio in a bag' probably ended up saving Goldilocks' life.
You know, I've never considering banging an animal before, but the bear in the middle is kinda hot.
whoops- i made a similar costume for my boy- i hope he can manage to keep it cool still. :)
I love these challenges... they always stump me though. For real... I can't believe anyone would really do this! AND PAY FOR A PICTURE! Sheesh....
this gives the term BROWN NOSE a whole new meaning
When Jared told his wife he wanted to try role-playing to rekindle the romance, this is not what he had in mind.
Father bear agreed to this to make Mother bear happy after the Goldilocks incident where Mother bear found her in father bears bed!
Mother bear wanted the picture so that she could drive Goldilocks insane with guilt after what she did!
Baby bear was just happy Mother bear and Father bear gave him a little attention for a change!
...and here is an example of what happens when you smoke CRACK.
I have nothing creative/funny to say about that picture, but wanted to thank you for following my blog! I haven't had a new follower in awhile, i was so excited to see the number go up! Love your blog!
Mr Fuzzy wanted a family picture in matching Bears outfits; too bad Mrs Fuzzy didn't like football
Dirty Little Confessions
Honey, when did we decide that Anne Geddes would be doing our family portraits this year?
Not my forte, but I enjoy everyone else's contributions.
Mama Bear promises Papa Bear if he can just sit and smile through one family picture, he'll have a surprise waiting for him at home.
The golden young blond he found in his bed was more than he bargained for. "I'll never complain about picture day again," he thought. "Come to Papa!"
take...the damn...picture! the porridge is getting COLD!
Mamma Bear: Does my nose look big in this?
Papa Bear: No, but I feel a right prat! You'd better not let anyone see this!
Mama Bear (inner monologue): All I need is just one more shot of Botox and my face can have a permanently frozen smile.
Papa Bear (mutters under his breath): I can't wait to dump Winnie here so I can meet up with Goldielocks for our weekend beastality bump and grind.
Baby Bear (thinking as she is taking a dump): Who the hell are these people and why did they friggin' dress me up like a dumbass bear?
P.s. - I am just now visiting your blog. I've seen your name from The Hotflash Queen and Speaking from the Crib and have been meaning to come over to say hi. Great blog!
- Mandy
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