Monday, April 30, 2012

The Stay at Home Mom Chronicles : Mommy and Me

I'm realising that my days around here seem to run together.
Ordinary moments unfold around me daily
and I need to stop and relish in them.
One day, my boys will be out living life
and I will miss these everyday experiences.

So, I am taking the time to document
the simple moments that pass between us.
I'm calling this little collection of memories...

<span class=


Koen had his last day of gymnastics last week.
He will start preschool in the fall
and won't be able to attend his class any more.

Here I am again, feeling sentimental about
my little guy growing up and moving on.

It's a theme in my life, I know.

Yet, I can't resist marking the days
as they fly by,
or jump by in this case.


When I made the decision
to wait to send Koen to preschool,
his Mommy and Me gymnastics class
became "school" for him.

He learned so much
about listening and following directions
in that gym.

He spent time with other kids his age
and learned all about
taking turns and sharing.


I learned so much about him too.

When we first started the class,
he was just a wobbly little toddler.

The goal was that he would eventually
do the circuits without my help
and all by himself.

That always seemed like a lofty goal to me when he was younger.
Would he fall without my help?
Could he support his body?
Could he focus?
Would he stay in line to wait for his turn?
Would he clobber the kid next to him?

So many maternal insecurities flooded my mind.


Yet, as we came to the end of the session,
I stepped back with all the
other reluctant mamas.

We watched with amazement as our little ones
did a beautiful job without our help.

He jumped, he flipped, he hung,
he soared without me.


The stamp on his grubby three year old hand
held the proof that he did it!

Oh the pride he felt
to do all those amazing things without his mama.

I swooped him up in a hug
and marvelled at his little reward.

This is just the beginning, sweet boy.

Winner : Funny Family Edition

We have a winner for this week's installment of Freakshow Friday. Please take note that my super hilarious and non biased best friend was the judge. Here are the top three in no particular order.

Linda D.
The Smith Family Chorale always
had trouble hitting that high note!

Meet the Careys

Vandy J.
That was the last time the Photographer
said to say "vomit" before taking the picture.

And the winner is...


Meet the Careys

is the funniest blogger in all the land.
Please visit her blog
and marvel at this fantastic award she just earned!


Thanks to all the people who played.
Tune in this Friday for another installment of Freakshow Friday!

Freakshow Friday : Funny Family Edition

It's time for another installment of Freakshow Friday. Where I ask my readers to come up with a caption or story for a funny photo. My best friend will be the judge and she's one hilarious freakaziod. So, bring it! Here is this week's photo, I love this family.

Maybe it was a bad idea
to serve cocktails at the portrait studio.

You got a better one for me?
If so, you may just when this awesome award
and have bragging rights forever. I ever have an award for you!
You will win this brand spankin' new award!!

<span class=

If you win then I'll link up to your
Blog and make a big deal
about how funny you are.
Simply leave your funny caption or story
in my comments section.

The winner will be announced on Monday.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Friday Night Date Hiatus

You may or may not have noticed that
I haven't been posting our Friday Night Dates lately.
Well, we decided to take a little break from our splendid home spun dates.
Our 9 year anniversary is fast approaching and we thought
that a trip to a cabin in the mountains, just the two of us,
would be a lovely way to celebrate.

Money is tight, so we sat down and crunched
the numbers to see if we could fund our little get-away.
It wasn't very romantic when we discovered
that we pretty much didn't have a money tree growing in our backyard.

So we put our heads together and tried to find where we could save money in our budget.
Then it hit me, if we stopped forking out the cash
for fancy things like goat cheese, elderflower liquor, and champagne
for our Friday Night Dates,
then we might just have the money to go away together for a weekend.

So, that's it's exactly what we decided to do.
No more sumptuous dishes or extravagant drinks for us.
At first I was sad because I really enjoyed the planning, preparing,
and the imbibing of our fancy dates.

The beauty of the Friday Night Date was that
we had made each other a priority and that we felt connected.
We are still finding ways to inject that into our everyday lives.
Maybe it's a small gesture like playing footsie
under the table while we play a game of scrabble
or if he playfully smacks my butt when we
pass each other putting the kids to bed.

Friday nights now consist of us curled up on the couch,
watching a good movie or our favorite television shows on Netflix.
We may munch away on chips and salsa and wash it down with a cheap beer.
It feels good to make a sacrifice so that we can go
on our getaway in the mountains next month.
It feels almost romantic that we worked together
to find a way to make it happen.

We make a good team.

Money may be tight for us,
but we are rich in love.

Soon, we'll snuggle up in this beautiful cabin,
and our Friday Night Date hiatus will pay off.

{photo credit here}

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Are you a superhero or a sidekick?

Has your child ever been bullied?
How do you talk to your children about it?
I found a way to help my son overcome a bully!

Please join the conversation by clicking here
to read the story and leave a comment
over at Athens Patch or s
uggest the article to your friends on Facebook!

Life Well Lived : Getting Happy

Blogher asked me...

How does blogging, journaling, writing and
connecting online help to increase your happiness?

I spend a good amount of my time meditating on happiness.
My regular readers know this about me
as they've followed along and participated
in my 52 Weeks of Happiness project.

Each week, I look around
and scout out what in my life is making me happy.
Somehow, even when life seems hard,
I find something that brings me joy.
It's become almost a reflex for me
to recognize it.

This blog is a gift.
This is where I claimed my unspoken
bond with the written word.
It's given my musings a place soft place to land.

I've always been a writer,
it' just part of who I am,
Before I started blogging
the words sat lonely on a page in my journal,
begging to be read.

This place has given my words company.
Other writers come here
and become friends with my thoughts.

I feel connected,
I feel heard,
I feel happy
when you meet me here.

Please visit Blogher's Life Well Lived
and share your happiness
by joining me in the comments.

Be sure enter the current Life Well Lived Sweepstakes
You could win an iPod Touch and a $50 iTunes gift certificate to go with it!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

52 Weeks of Happiness :: Week 7


Hands down the most awesome game
that Roger plays with the children
is what Koen calls,
"Higher than that!"


The rules are simple...
we make a big pile out of blankets
and pillows on our bed
and then Roger tosses the children
as high and as hard as he can
onto the pile.


You can imagine the squeals and screams of excitement
that are unleashed as the children grin and
soar onto the bed.

They pull all kinds of amazing stunts.


How can you not feel happiness
when crazy children are
flying through the air?


Want to join me in my quest
to scout out happiness for a whole year?
Simply post a photo of something that
makes you wildly happy and tell us all about it.
Then, steal my button and include it in your post.
Don't forget to link up to Mr. Linky.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Let me tell you something about my cranky cat...

Sometimes, when we are going about our day,
I get the sense that someone is watching us.
Most often, I find a dark figure peeking in our front window.


It's our cranky cat, Scout.
She was banished to live outside 7 years ago
after an unfortunate scratching incident
that involved kitty claws and my newborn baby's face.

Don't fret for Scout,
she gets plenty of love from us and
she has a warm and fuzzy bed outside for cold nights.
She also loves to roam our property
and hunt baby birds and unsuspecting chipmunks.

There is often a symphony of angry mamas outside,
scolding Scout for her hunting ways.

I digress...


Scout sits on our front porch railing
and peaks in at us all the time.
She follows our every move
and we seem to keep her entertained.

It's like we are a reality tv show for naughty cats.
She has a great view
and seems to enjoy watching Koen
as he climbs up and down his slide the most.


It's so funny to see our feline spectator perched in her spot.

Winner : Disco Ball Edition

We have a winner for this week's installment of Freakshow Friday. Please take note that my super hilarious and non biased best friend was the judge. Here are the top three in no particular order.

angel shrout
I am so awesome when I play
I poop glitter and sparklies.

Not surprisingly, Mary took top honors
in the "Sparkliest Hemorrhoid Contest."

Mother Theresa
Saturday Night Fifer!

And the winner is...
Mother Theresa

Saturday Night Fifer!

Mother Theresa

is the funniest blogger in all the land.
Please visit her blog
and marvel at this fantastic award she just earned!


Thanks to all the people who played.
Tune in this Friday for another installment of Freakshow Friday!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Freakshow Friday: Disco Ball Edition

It's time for another installment of Freakshow Friday. Where I ask my readers to come up with a caption or story for a funny photo. My best friend will be the judge and she's one hilarious freakaziod. So, bring it! Here is this week's photo, this girl is awesome!

The birth of disco...

You got a better one for me?
If so, you may just when this awesome award
and have bragging rights forever. I ever have an award for you!
You will win this brand spankin' new award!!

<span class=

If you win then I'll link up to your
Blog and make a big deal
about how funny you are.
Simply leave your funny caption or story
in my comments section.

The winner will be announced on Monday.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thank you God for my stupid zit.

When I first heard about Nie Nie, it was right after her crash.
I remember feeling so heartbroken for her.
This woman who I had never met,
was inserted into my prayers and daily thoughts.
I cried for her and cheered for her as she recovered.

Last week, I read her book Heaven is Here.
It spoke to me on so many levels.

If I was feeling a little cranky
I thought...
well, at least I'm not trapped in a burning plane.

If I was annoyed with my
adorable children
I thought...
at least I'm not in a hospital bed,
covered in burns and too afraid to see my children
because I am unrecognizable.

If I felt like folding 4 loads of laundry
was a daunting task
I thought...
if Stephanie can work so hard
just to sit up in bed,
I can fold my laundry with a smile.

If I looked in the mirror
and cursed the heavens for a zit
(who gets zits at 37? Me, that's who.)
I thought...
if Stephanie can learn to love her transformed face,
I can certainly see my beauty
beyond that stupid zit.

Count your blessings.

Thank you, Nie Nie.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Motherhood and Milestones

Do you feel sentimental about your children growing up?
Do you snuggle with outgrown baby clothes like I do?
How do you cope with your kids getting older?
Please tell me that I'm not alone.

Join the discussion by clicking here and
leaving a comment over at Athens Patch.

The Stay at Home Mom Chronicles : Bye Bye Nap

I'm realising that my days around here seem to run together.
Ordinary moments unfold around me daily
and I need to stop and relish in them.
One day, my boys will be out living life
and I will miss these everyday experiences.

So, I am taking the time to document
the simple moments that pass between us.
I'm calling this little collection of memories...

<span class=

As a stay at home mom,
Koen's naps have been integral to my sanity.
That little break in the day
has granted me just enough time
to tend to myself.

Well, as he approached his third birthday,
he decided that he was done taking naps.
At first I panicked at the thought
of losing my precious free time during the afternoon.

Honestly though, now that we've adjusted,
I am actually enjoying the extra time we
now have to spend together during the day.


We can enjoy a picnic on the back deck
without having to rush to get him into bed.

We have grand conversations like the one that we had yesterday...

K: Mama, what will I say before I go to school?
Me : You will say bye bye mama, see you later.
K: No, I'll say boinga!

See, we never would have had that very crucial conversation
had he been sleeping peacefully in his crib.


He can "work" in the garden while I
sit in the shade and read a book.
We bask in the afternoon sun
when we normally would have been indoors.

He is so independent that
I still have time to put my feet up and
take a breather.

I also get to enjoy watching him
play and explore in the yard
while I dodge the dirt that he tosses
over his shoulder while he digs.

He makes life more exciting.


We have more time to play games together
before we leave to pick Griffin up from school.

He is learning his colors
and he may not have learned about
the color yellow yesterday if he had been asleep.

Plus, it's pretty entertaining
to watch him try to convince me
that every single turn should be his
and that he should move my Gingerbread Man too.

I know that this time together is temporary
as he will start school in the fall
and I will get mornings all to myself.

So even though it may make my day
seem a bit longer and I am more exhausted
from keeping up with him all day,
I am actually really happy
to spend my afternoons with Koen.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

52 Weeks of Happiness :: Week 6


Koen had a party to celebrate his 3rd birthday over the weekend.

We had a barnyard celebration
and all kinds of farm animals came to the party.

I set up a little DIY photobooth
for the animals to pose in.


There was a sweet little kitty,


an Amish farmer and his trusty dog,


a mischievous raccoon,


an ornery farmer with his happy pig,


a cute little animal family,


a very glamorous pig,
with a spunky puppy,


and a very well dressed farmer
with his lovely bunny.

It was so much fun!


Want to join me in my quest
to scout out happiness for a whole year?
Simply post a photo of something that
makes you wildly happy and tell us all about it.
Then, steal my button and include it in your post.
Don't forget to link up to Mr. Linky.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Winner : Leopard Edition

We have a winner for this week's installment of Freakshow Friday. Please take note that my super hilarious and non biased best friend was the judge. Here are the top three in no particular order.
Who's ready for their tongue bath?

Single Male. Wild cat in bed.
Looking for a kitty to spend his days with.

Linda D.
New Fund Raising Event: Glamour shots at the zoo.

And the winner is...

Who's ready for their tongue bath?

is the funniest blogger in all the land.
Please visit her blog
and marvel at this fantastic award she just earned!


Thanks to all the people who played.
Tune in this Friday for another installment of Freakshow Friday!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Freakshow Friday : Leopard Edition

It's time for another installment of Freakshow Friday. Where I ask my readers to come up with a caption or story for a funny photo. My best friend will be the judge and she's one hilarious freakaziod. So, bring it! Here is this week's photo, this guy is s-exy!


You got a better one for me?
If so, you may just when this awesome award
and have bragging rights forever. I ever have an award for you!
You will win this brand spankin' new award!!

<span class=

If you win then I'll link up to your
Blog and make a big deal
about how funny you are.
Simply leave your funny caption or story
in my comments section.

The winner will be announced on Monday.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

My faith in humanity has been restored!

I recently discovered this awesome short film
about a little boy who creates a cardboard arcade.
Take a moment to watch it.
You will be inspired, I promise!

It's just too special not to share with y'all!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pacifier Addiction!

My three-year-old son is addicted to his pacifier.
Do you think there's a cut off age for pacifiers?
How in the world can I gently wean my kid off the thing?

Please join the conversation by clicking here
and leaving a comment over at Athens Patch!
Any advice would be appreciated!

The Underground Railroad

One of the most memorable experiences of our camping trip
was participating in The Underground Railroad.

The evening began with all of us being told that we
had been sold as slaves.
We were instructed to put down our belongings
and walk in a single file line down to "The Plantation"
where we were being sold.

We had to look down and not look our new owner in the eye.
We weren't allowed talk.
Some of the children were scared.


We were then told that we were all going
to escape the clutches of slavery
by following The Underground Railroad.

We had to move fast and drop down
if anyone approached us on our journey.

Along the way,
people would pop out of the woods
and we would have to lay still
while our guide talked in code
to find out if the stranger was a friend or a foe.


We moved swiftly through the woods
looking for lit lanterns and clues
to lead us to the next location.

The children clung to me
as we travelled almost silently into the night.

My heart hurt because I wanted to protect them.
I could only imagine how a real mother
must have felt whose family had been sold into slavery.

How fast her heart must have been beating
as they fought so hard to escape
and stay alive.

How her children might have been ripped from her arms.


We had to run across a bridge
to avoid a mean plantation owner.

Only the sound of hurried little feet could be heard
as we scampered over the wooden planks.

The children really got into the spirit
of the Underground Railroad.


We encountered friendly people along the way
that offered us shelter and food.

Everyone was breathing heavy
and let out a huge sigh of relief.

Most of the children just thought
that we were on a grand adventure.
The older kids felt the gravity
of the situation
right along side me.


Clues and lanterns led us through the woods,
up a mountain, down a hill,
and to a safe house
where we all silently hid in the dark.


A pretend Sheriff arrived
and we all had to hide
while he questioned the lady that protected us.

Even though I knew it wasn't real,
my heart pounded in my chest.

By the time we completed our trip,
an hour and a half had passed.
It was a quick journey
compared to the three month journey that
the real slaves made.

When we made it to safety,
I excused myself to the bathroom
and cried my eyeballs out.

It was a profound and life changing experience.