Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The art of distraction

Roger and I have a little flirtation that takes place at the dinner table.
It started years ago when were dating and we still do it to this day.
If one of us is eating something yummy (let's say a plate of greasy ol' fries)
the other will pull the age old trick where you point over their shoulder
and yell something ridiculous like "Oh look, a unicorn!"
The victim unknowingly looks behind them and
then the bandit steals a French fry off of their plate.
I know, it's not exactly high comedy unfolding while we eat dinner
but it's a fun way to say
"I still care enough to steal your food."
We're very romantic.

Well, Griffin has observed this behavior for years
and has become quite the master in the art of distraction.
Even if it's silly, we still look away and let him steal our food.
Yes, we reward any effort toward comedy in our family.
He started out with some basic 4 year old material. Stuff like...

"Look...a pony!"


"Oh look...it's Tom and Jerry!"

Then, his distractions became a little more advanced.
He started serving up things like...

"Look mom...it's Elvis!"


"Look over there...it's a Conga line!"

Well, the other day as we ate lunch at our favorite Mexican food Restaurant,
he said something so brilliant that
I just went ahead and gave him
my entire basket of tortilla chips
right on the spot.
He said...

"Look...there's a Pegasus in the salsa!"

My work here is done!

*My super hot husband took the time to create the image of the Pegasus in the Salsa. I love that man of mine!


KristinFilut said...

I'm with Dawn on that. I would have asked for a ride on said pegasus to compensate for the inconvenience...

Beth said...

That's super-creative. I think you've got a little genius on your hands. Cheers!

Andrea said...

How adorable! I would have surrendered my tortillas for that one.
Blessings, andrea

Liz Mays said...

You've got a developing sense of humor there and I love it!

Lee said...

I love the pegasus in the salsa!! Almost as much as the fact that you and rog are still so dang cute!

Anonymous said...

Haha! Cute! That's what I love about little imaginative minds... they're so random!

Holly Lefevre said...

Hey Leigh...I finally made it over here. LOVE your blog. Cute story. A Pegasus in the salsa is brilliant, not just any kid can come up with that!
Holly @ 504 Main

Joy said...

wow, only a kid could come up with that. so creative without really trying. cute!

Tracie Nall said...

I love it!! Kids say the best things when they aren't trying to be funny!

Expat Barbie said...

i like your family.


Candice said...

Sounds like you've got a pretty creative kiddo there. ;)

Stephanie Faris said...

A Pegasus in the salsa? Where on earth did he come up with that? LOL.

My boyfriend and his daughter play that same game. It's so cute to watch! But now they both know what's going to happen if they turn their heads, so they don't.

Tracie said...

You're such a Scarey Mom - you've made a kid with a sense of humor!

Tami G said...

Oh Leigh - I LOVE this! There is nothing better than watching your kids act JUST LIKE YOU! ha ha
I'm so proud of my son when he does that! ;-)

I Wonder Wye said...

I love his imagination -- apple doesn't fall far from the tree on that one -- tell him the Red Ranger was beaten up by Wonder Woman --sounds like it's about to be the truth!

Lisa said...

Cutest. Story. Ever.

Meandering Mel said...

HAHAHAHA! That is hilarious!

Matty said...

I can only imagine what, or who he'll come up with as he gets older and smarter.

And just think of the day when he actually does see someone or something, and when you turn around, it's actually there.

K said...

lol that's awesome what a creative little one you have!
stopping by from SITS

Jessica said...

What a smart little guy! Where in the world did he get that...a pegasus in the salsa?!

Kelly Miller said...

Aw! I'll be sharing that with my kid. He's really into Greek mythology right now. :)

cat said...

Oh your work is done. That kid is so creative.

Caroline said...

I'd say that little guy of yours is as clever as his Mommy! So cute! Kids are so imaginative!

Melissa said...

That game sounds fun. Can I steal it?

Anonymous said...

My kids and I do this. They have gotten more sophisticated in their old age and have taken to pointing out "Bon Jovi" and "Brendan Fraser".

Jessica said...

LMAO!!! A pegasus in the salsa!! haha. My hubby and son do this every night at dinner. :)

Jennifer Vanderbeek said...

So stinkin' cute!

Reminds me of the time my boyfriend and I were at lunch with another friend and his sandwich came with a pickle spear. He hates pickles (I know!) so I told him "I'm stealing your pickle." (We're not good at the whole distraction thing, I guess, lol) to which he replied, "You are always welcome to steal my pickle."

Our friend found this highly amusing, hope you do, too :-)

Randa Derkson said...

lol! I love the pony :) Stopping by from SITS


Love a kid with an awesome sense of humor!

Congrats on your SITS day!

LisaDay said...

I was impressed with a conga line but Peagus in the salsa. Brilliant.

Happy SITS day.


Joann Mannix said...

Oh so brilliant! Doesn't that warm your heart! My 12-year-old said to me the other day, as I walked into the kitchen, my pixie haircut looking its usual electrified mess in the morning, "Mom, you look like the Gorgon, Medusa." It is thrilling to see little minds at work.

Glad I found you. Happy SITS day.

Aleta said...

OMG - I love this post! It's sweet, endearing and filled with love and smiles!!

Marie said...

What an awesome little guy!

Patricia said...

oh I love this. My trick is to drink some of my husband's drink without him noticing. I love his reaction when he goes to take a drink. :)

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh. That is such a cute story! I love it : ) And I love your husband for making you a graphic! How great is he?

Molly Burke said...

I see you've got a creative mind burgeoning. I love how you celebrate him!

Molly Burke CPCC MSU
Queen of Confidence
"Everyone can use an extra boost of confidence every now and again."

Kim said...

From SITS...love this! You have a comic in the house for sure but what a way to share with the family.

The Misplaced Midwesterner

Marie said...

He has one upped you most definitely.

Unknown said...

Great Story! Very funny. Good joke, The kids will do great from seeing this kind of interaction!

Sarah Baron

Unknown said...

A pegasus in the salsa....I'd say don't eat it...take it home and save it. What a rarity...my pegasus finds are usually in my ketchup, they seem to shy away from my salsa. too spicy perhaps.

metta1313 said...

LMAO! Ok now, I must follow your blog.

Libby said...

my problem would be that I would then want to steal the salsa, so I couldn't only hope the pegasus would then fly into something not as delicious...
Happy SITS day!

LindaFaye said...

Happy SITS day! I love your effort to have humor in the family. It pays off!!

See Mom Smile said...

Oh look there is another SITS FB! Congrats!

Annie @ astonesthrowfrominsanity said...

Love it when the kiddies get in on the family humor! :)

Anonymous said...

Love it!!! We adore comedy in these parts too.

Kim said...

Literally LOLed

Jodi Widhalm said...

Cute! Gotta love kids!

Sarah and the Gentlemen said...

Oh wow... I'm not sure I would have handed over the food even though it was very clever. I mean, you're talking about tortilla chips here!

pixielation said...

visiting from SITS, I love your humour. And I love this little joke that he's now in on - it's a wonderful thing!

twinkietotmom said...

Pretty creative son of yours :) Stopping by from SITS!

Anonymous said...

Wow! He's HOT, AND he can make a pegasus appear out of thin air? Keep him!

Lorri S said...

Aaaawww, he is getting creative.

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

The graphic made me bust out laughing. We do something very similar in our house!

Miz Dinah said...

Waiter, there's a pegasus in my salsa. :)