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and have bragging rights forever.

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The winner will be announced on Monday.
about how flippin' funny you are.
Simply leave your funny caption or story
in my comments section.
The winner will be announced on Monday.
An adult now Tammy still could not shake her fear of Grandma's hair really being a nest for rats. Rats that had an affinity for young blondes..
Aunt Gina, despite her age, knew she had exactly what it takes to be a guidette on Jersey Shore. Now...if she could only get the producers to return her calls...
OMG. I have no cute caption, but for the love of God, don't let my mother see this picture or she will try to get an appointment with the lady's hair dresser!
"Keep smiling dear, and I won't tell your fiancee about your trip to Vegas and that cute waiter.
"Well, kiss my grits!"
"Why is Grandma's hair buzzing?!"
Come inside my vestibule to God...
Now, we all know how Gramma Jane contacted the alien life forms.
Please meet the lovely Mrs. Linguini. Ratatouille is hiding in that hair somewhere.
"Oh, honey, your pretty young face reminds me of when I only had two white streaks in my hair and I married that Frankenstein fellow..."
Erin's mother-in-law had a penchant for Aqua Net and her hairdresser.The size and height of her hair regularly attracts vermin of all kinds, much to Erin's pleasure.
Oh, if only I hadn't given Granny that extra body shampoo for her birthday!
...And Grandma found a new use for the old cotton candy machine.
I'm not sure what I find more disturbing about this photo. The realization that pretty bride has a tree trunk growing out of the top of her head, or the fact that Aunt Matilda is rocking rough and tough with her ginormous afro puff.
You've got a pretty funny blog here! Thanks for stopping by :)
She would always be grateful that Grandma's hairdresser was so exclusive.
Uh, Memaw? I thought you said a lady never teases!?!
Thank you so very much for taking the time to email for Jaden.
Words can not discribe how i feel about this picture....
Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day!! I love meeting new people!
Great Aunt Mabelle never stopped dreaming of her days as a Las Vegas show girl. She still had a special love for animal prints and a flare of the dramatic.
Little cousin Sara flashed a terrified smile as she realized the long term effects of bleach and bad decisions.
Stopping by from SITs.
WHOA!!! Look at that hair! Not gonna lie - that is pretty impressive!
Nicole was hoping her kids would not get Grandma's hair.
Happy Sharefest!!
Aunt Maggie May stars in the Broadway revival of the 1960s classic musical, "Hair."
Do you think MTV would let me guest on "Jersey Shore"?
SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did!
I've made it my New Year's resolution to win this things at some point next year, I feel its a healthy exercise in practicing my snark. And being in such great company of truly talents satirists, I'll have my work cut out for me.
Here's the 'ol college try for this week:
"Rather than get it removed, Aunt Dot concealed her parasitic twin in a giant beehive."
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