Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Happiness Project :: Week 3


Discovering a good fortune in my cookie.


If you want to jump on the bandwagon
simply post a photo of something that
makes you wildly happy.
Then, steal my button from that code up there
and include it in your post.

Be sure to add your link to Mr. Linky.


Caution/Lisa said...

Well, I am obviously eating at the wrong Chinese restaurant.

Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

I hope it comes true ;)

MostlyFlumxdArt said...

Have you shown that to your stock broker? Like, "Look, pal, it says right here that I should be getting some money!"

Caroline said...

Any chance you could stuff that fortune back in the cookie and mail it to me! ;)

Unknown said...

Hey my hubby got a fortuneless fortune cookie one time. He was like how the heck, the guy at he restaurant said I guess you have enough fortune in your life and need no guidance. Gene said that's what you think lol

Teddy Started It said...

I like your happiness project...and I LIKE the fortune in that cookie! Happy Tuesday!

Ducky said...


The last time we had fortune cookies hubs was empty...we both laughed our butts off at that!

Vanessa said...

Woo-hoo! I'd hang on to that one! :-D

June said...

Can I have a bite of that cookie?

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Love the fortune. This is a great project. I'm joining today.

My Mercurial Nature said...

Ah, I've been waiting for this! Now if only I'd get that kind of fortune.

Andrea said...

Hope you have an awesome week and all your dreams come true!
Hugs, andrea

Cathy said...

I think everyone would enjoy that fortune cookie!

Bossy Betty said...

Love that fortune!

Sarah RDH said...

Damn, where can I get a fortune like THAT??????

Lori said...

What a great fortune to get!

Tracie Nall said...

Awesome! I never get good fortunes out of those things!

CaneWife said...

That's a great fortune! :)

Rae said...

I like your happiness project and I love your blog. I have enjoyed reading your past posts. I will be following now. I am hooked.

w said...

that should be exciting. if mine improves, i'm going to buy three more mcribs.

Alice in Wonderland said...

I'm really enjoying your Happiness Project, and I love your fortune cookie! Yes, I would definitely keep that one!

Christy said...

That's an awesome fortune! Although when you play 'the fortune cookie game' it can take a whole 'nother meaning, lol!

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, that is happiness if I ever saw it.

Actuary Mom said...

An actual fortune! And not just a proverb!

Danielle said...

Alright, am I doing something wrong? Again? I have done this the last 2 weeks, but I am not on your list. I am so computer retarded!

Katherine said...

I have a small box in the top drawer of my dresser filled with fortune cookie slips. This is much better than any of those.

Claudya Martinez said...

I'm steeling your fortune. I'm pretty sure it's allowed.

Kim said...

I love a good fortune...now if only they would come true for me.

I'm back this week and finally up. Late but up. :)

The Misplaced Midwesterner

MamaOtwins+1 said...

That is most awesome!

Ally said...

Hi! I'm a new follower :)

Ally said...

PS I could really use that fortune!

Tracie said...

With a fortune like that I'm jealous!

jackie said...

i am also stealing that fortune!

thank you leigh for the happiness you are spreading!