Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Yeah, I am blogging on Wednesday about something that happened on Saturday. Let's face it, unless I blog about it, it's like it didn't happen.

Despite the fact we did not dance on the rooftops in Paris,
Roger and I did get to steal a moment away last weekend,
just the two of us, to celebrate an early Valentine's Day.
We went to a lovely wine and cheese bar
that is pretty fancy for our little college town.


There was cheesecake and not cheese involved this time, though.
Pistachio Cheesecake, to be exact, and maybe
a little white wine.

I might have gotten a little tipsy
in the glow of the candlelight.
We might have played footsie under the table.


There is the best quote painted in a mural
over the loo that I have to share with you...
it always captivates me and brings on a grin
when I go in there to powder my nose...


"I only drink champagne when I'm happy, and when I'm sad.
Sometimes I drink it when I'm alone.
When I have company, I consider it obligatory.
I trifle with it if I am not hungry and drink it when I am.
Otherwise I never touch it - unless I'm thirsty."
~Lilly Bollinger


R Montalban said...

You are just so lovely, playing footsie, awww.

Unknown said...

ugh I don't like champagne or wine but I can flat put away some cheesecake. Aww romance under a table I think I have forgotten how that works

Caution/Lisa said...

I suspect that anyone who noticed you all ended up smiling!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Love the quote.

Mindy said...

Ah, sounds wonderful. I'd like a romantic dinner out, but I might settle for a bit of footsy under the dinner table tonight. :0)

Susan Anderson said...


Love the quote. And the footsies.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time!

I would mug a Golden Girl for a piece of cheesecake right now.

SarahMarie said...

Sweet post. I love the quote.

The Knitty Gritty Homestead said...

My hubby and I celebrated my birthday/Valentine's day with a night in the big city...3 hour Indian dinner, uninterrupted conversation, and unbroken I know where you're coming from. It was lovely. We ended the meal with champagne! Great quote.

Susan said...

What a great quote, and I love the wine glass photo, very pretty.

Tracie Nall said...

That is a great quote.

Sounds like a wonderful date.

Now pass some cheesecake my way, please!

Just A Normal Mom said...

I love that quote! I think it'd be fun to have a very cool quote painted on the wall in my kitchen. But hey, the loo works, too! ;-)

Anne-Marie said...

Aww, cheesecake and wine sounds like the perfect Valentine's Date! And the footsies, you are too cute =)

MarieElizabeth said...

Great quote! Glad you got out for some fun.

Caroline said...

ohmygosh we SO need a date night. Seriously. It looks like y'all had fun! I love places like that--although in this moment they seem like a distant memory. ;)
Love the quote. Miss Bollinger was a clever and honest gal! :)